Friday, June 21, 2013

US Xpress - Take 2

You may remember my wife and I had a bad experience with US Xpress. We joined the company and went out with our trainers. I had problems with my trainer and was unable to get a new one so my wife and I quit. When I got home, I sent a letter to corporate explaining my experience. Surprisingly, someone from Chattanooga called me and apologized. We were invited to come back. I had my reservations but we agreed. 

I'm happy to report things went well with our new trainers. Lindsey(my wife) & I upgraded at Tunnel Hill on Thursday. Picking up our truck at the Markham terminal Monday. Excited about this new journey in our life. 

We look forward to meeting all of you who post on the Truckers Report forum. Thanks for all your help with our past questions. You made this new career choice less intimidating.

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